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January Meeting

From: Mary C.
Sent on: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 6:39 PM
Hello there and Happy New Year!

We do hope your 2010 has got off to a great start and that you've been enjoying the beautiful picturesque weather and that it hasn't hampered your style too much!

This is just a quick email to remind you that the next Midlands Tarot Meetup/Drop In is happening next Thursday - on 21st. We'd love you to come and join us so . . .

. . . if you haven't made it yet
. . . if you haven't been for a while, or
. . . if you are one of our regulars

then come and join us and take some "YOU" time to get your year started positively.

As we are sure you know, we are a friendly bunch and we've already had some bookings online at the site and some via email and phone. The more the merrier :-)

Mary is away for this meeting so Ruth is hosting (with a little help from our friends!) and normal service continues.

So, go to the Home page or the Calendar and click through to let us know if you are a YES, a NO or a MAYBE for this next meeting.

Warmest wishes to you,

Mary & Ruth x

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