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NY CSR Meetup Group Important Updates

From: Amy
Sent on: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 6:38 PM
To All Members,

A few brief announcements:

1. Google Groups is discontinuing its ability to upload files to groups. We have therefore migrated all files to our Meetup site under the ?More? tab (click ?files?). There you will find archived and current documents, articles and links relating to our CSR book/literature club events.

2. We secured Vig Bar for our upcoming October 26 event so please note the location change on the event listing.

3. Please be advised that we have restructured slightly so the name "CSR Insight Tuesdays" will change and become "Insight Tuesdays." All events will come under the one group, The NY CSR Meetup Group, which will host two types of events: Insight Tuesdays and CSR Socials. We will use the name "CSR Socials" to refer to the NY CSR Meetup Group's events that feature speakers and "Insight Tuesdays" to refer to the book/literature club type events.

Thank you for your continued participation!
Lucia, Amy and Laura

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