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Webinar, Wednesday, Dec 11th: Building Fluid Enterprise Applications with Sencha ExtJS

From: Brooke B.
Sent on: Monday, December 2, 2013, 3:54 PM
Hi Everyone,

Modern enterprise applications need to span functional roles and organizational units to provide seamless, integrated business and user processes. Traditional approaches using SOA-based architectures are effort intensive and fall short of the desired application agility and adaptability. They are expected to have the flexibility to support rapidly changing business and user needs in aggressive time frames. 
Sencha ExtJS, with its robust front-end MVC framework and data access capabilities, offers an alternative architectural approach based on front-end, scripted integration that enables building fluid enterprise applications. With front-end integration, it is possible to create feature-rich applications that can evolve to support changing business processes, organizational structures, and new product offerings.

In this webinar, OpenCrowd will demonstrate how front-end integration techniques with Sencha ExtJS can benefit enterprise application development initiatives. We will also share our experience with front-end integration via a reference application and workable approaches to common enterprise application integration needs.


Brooke W. Boyd
Business Development Manager
41 East 11th St., 11th Floor
New York, NY 10003
main: +1 (212)[masked] (ext 513)
fax: +1 (646)[masked]
mobile: + (703)[masked]

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