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General Assembly: Fun Podcast, Instructor Positions and Event

From: Talisha H.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 10:50 AM
Hi all - 

I hope all is well! 

I work with General Assembly and I wanted to share a few cool updates regarding General Assembly in the news, open positions and an upcoming event! 

See below and let me know if you all have any question, I hope we can connect soon. 


Podcast Featuring General Assembly: Listen to our General Manager, Anna Lindow, on The Dana Barrett Show, chat about the courses we offer, our "practitioner as instructor" approach to learning and the work GA is doing to connect our students to potential employers. Great interview and easy listen while working :).  

Open Instructor Position: We're currently seeking a Web Development Immersive instructor for our November cohort in NYC. The instructor should be a full-stack dev and proficient in Ruby. This position is a full-time contract to hire role and a great opportunity to teach what you love. If you're interested in this opportunity or other teaching roles, please reach out to [address removed]. 

Upcoming GA Event: Interested in learning more about GA teaching opportunities directly from the source? On Wednesday, October 15th at 9am we are hosting a Teach @ General Assembly Panel Discussion. Instructors from our full-time, part-time and workshop courses will be on hand to answer questions regarding their experience, what they learned about themselves by teaching and much more! If interested, please RSVP here

Talisha Holmes 
General Assembly Space, Inc | 902 Broadway, 4th Floor | New York, NY 10010 |
[address removed]

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