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New Meetup: Jackass 3D! Lets go!

From: Steve
Sent on: Tuesday, October 19, 2010, 5:44 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Nerds Collide!!

What: Jackass 3D! Lets go!

When: Wednesday, October 20,[masked]:00 PM

Where: AMC Southcenter 16
3600 Southcenter Park Way Southcenter Mall
Tukwila, WA 98188

So I heard Jackass 3D was insane! Usually sequels to movies suck, but apparently with Jackass, third times a charm!

Warning, don't go if you get queezy! I guess there's some crazy stunts in it! lol

Let's meet at Southcenter AMC Theater at about 6:45pm to meet, get tickets, and good seats. Movie starts at 7:15. Looks like tickets are $10.50.

Text me or call me when you get there so you can find me. [masked].

See you there! :D

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