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Meet Our New Partner: Dating Ring - a free matchmaking service!

From: Sam
Sent on: Friday, December 19, 2014, 3:31 PM

Hi New York Singles, this is your Assistant Organizer Irene. Wanted to give you a quick heads up about an awesome deal we were offered for our group members.

Dating Ring is an awesome online dating company run by professional matchmakers. You can create a free profile, and receive occasional matches, or you can sign up for a subscription, to receive weekly matches. Use promo code holidaycheer40 this month to get $40 off any paid plan!

On Dating Ring, your profile is private, only viewable by the matchmakers and the matches they choose for you. There’s no endless profile browsing or message sending.

Regardless of which plan you are on, every match comes personally selected from one of Dating Ring’s matchmakers, along with a note about why the match was chosen. The matchmakers carefully review your information, match preferences, and feedback before sending matches. You get to review matches’ photos and basic info before setting up a date.


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