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From: Art
Sent on: Monday, March 2, 2015, 2:39 PM has just posted a great article on dating in new york.

Great article on using scensus data to show singles location in nyc. Everyone who asked where do i go, here is your answer.

For the past half-dozen years I’ve been fighting an easily-mapped battle about the shortage of eligible bachelors in New York City. Straight, single women claim there’s no men, I wave around some data saying otherwise, and then we all have a fun time figuring out where the guys are hiding. My singles map gets updated every single year, and every time it’s the exact same result: you complaining ladies must be crazy.

In each of these MSAs, there are absolutely more young, single men than young, single women. This is true across America, almost without exception (single women outnumber men in maybe a half-dozen cities). Extra single men was a clear trend everywhere, so there was no reason to look closer, right?

Go here to read full article.

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