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6 Top Ways to Strike Up Conversation With Women [From Females’ Perspective]

From: Sam
Sent on: Sunday, October 18, 2015, 12:12 PM

New York Dating Coach has compiled a list of their female client’s top complaints for when men approach them. Here is the counter to that, using data from over 350 women in NYC.

1. Has to Feel Natural

Awkward conversation is the biggest reason why a woman won’t give you her number, or will never take your call if she does. A good conversation with a woman should look like you two are already friends.

2. Good Energy

Women, people in general, will mirror your energy. She should feel like she wants to see you again, so keep your energy light, fun, and easy to be around.

Not bad, but not great either. Can you guess why?

3. Be Emotional, Not Logical

This is the part where men fail to connect with women. Share stories with her, not switching lists of hobbies and what you do for a living. The WHY you do the hobbies means more than what you actually do.

4. Be Engaging

Make sure you have a rapport (back and forth conversation) going on. If she’s not asking questions too, then she’s probably not interested.

5. Dress Well

How you present yourself is everything, and your look and style counts towards that. Yes, she’ll judge you for looking slobbish, so try to dress sharp enough to come off as a responsible adult people can depend on.

Well dressed, high energy, but no time constraint. He’s leaning in, while she’s leaning away, and where does the mood go when it’s reached its peak?

6. Time Constraints

Men talk for too long and don’t know when to end a conversation, which should have been sweet and serendipitous. The best time to end it is when the energy is highest, that way she feels she wants to meet again to talk more.

For more details and an in depth look at dating, check out New York Dating Coach who was kind enough to share their data. They are currently offering free dating skill evaluations for members of this meetup, so just reply to this email and I’ll set it up.


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