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Two Events coming up: Fun Night of Wine, Cocktails and Feast for all five senses.

From: Art
Sent on: Saturday, January 2, 2010, 10:28 AM
I've updated this Meetup. For more details, see the full listing:

We have 2 events coming up. On January 13th and January 22nd see our calendar for full details.

This will be a night of wine, cocktails and social networking !

We will have the ultimate ICE Breakers as this lounge has billiards, ping Pong and Fooseball available for our guest.

Bring business cards as this will be memorable night of making new acquaintances and saying hello to old friends!

There will be plenty of drink specials including an assortment of red and white wines brought in just for this event!
Other drink specials available until 10PM
$7 Specialty selected wines including fantastic Pinot Noir, Cabernet, Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc!
$5 Corona?s
$7 Absolut Vodka Drinks
$6 Martinis!
RSVP for it here


Hello everyone Andy is hosting another of his great parties "feast for all Five senses", and i am giving him a hand with it. It was a great parties both times he held them.

Senses are the physiological methods of perception. They are all important to us, so why not indulge all five of them in one night? That's what we did back in May & September:

So now we're back for our third, "Feast For All Five Senses!"

RSVP here