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Join us for a Fireside Chat with Issac Saldana of Sendgrid April 10,[masked]:30pm

From: Shervin T.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 1:28 PM



Our friends from K5Launch have organized a killer event, featuring Issac Saldana. Make sure to register using the eventbrite link below. Cheers.


How simplifying email helped them continuously secure $27 million in funding over 3 years

PRESENTER: Isaac Saldana received a double major in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the University of California Riverside. In 2006 Isaac co-founded, a bidding site for services, where he took the role of CTO. In 2007, he co-founded, a site where events were generated by fans. In 2009, Issac co-founded SendGrid, a cloud based email service helping companies increase their email deliverability.  Issac is the president of SendGrid where he is responsible for the product vision.



WHY ATTEND: The know how of product market fit; The challenges of launching SendGrid; How did the TechStars accelerator experience help?; How to secure multiple round of fundings? This fireside chat will be attended by many angel investors, meet with them.



Please RSVP with link:


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