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Re: [poetsanddreamers1] Inspiring Interview (and Book) You Won't Want to Miss!!!

From: Rossy S.
Sent on: Thursday, August 22, 2013, 1:06 PM
Ann, thanks so much for sharing this. I'm also Cuban and also a writer, although a lot of my books are still in my head or only in their first stages. 

It was great learning about Eduardo. I'll look him up. 

Have an amazing rest of the week,


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Anne Tammel <[address removed]> wrote:

Dear Writers,

Our very own organizer, Eduardo Santiago, has been interviewed by CBS Los Angeles!

Please take a moment to enjoy this inspiring & entertaining interview about a fascinating topic!

Absolutely love the interview! Love Eduardo's style!!! Simply cannot wait to read his book.

If you have not already, please RSVP to join Eduardo at his writing retreat this coming weekend--link below!!!

Strawberry Creek Retreat: Write Your First Novel or Memoir

And if you cannot make this weekend but have not yet completed your first book, look up Eduardo at UCLA Extension. He will help you make it happen!!!

All best wishes,


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Rossy Sawyer

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