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Trader User Group Meeting - Next Saturday June 16th 9:30 AM

From: Hal B.
Sent on: Friday, June 8, 2012, 10:24 AM

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying (or most likely hating) the market activity we are seeing…to say it’s truly a global market is an understatement. When the yields on 10 Year Italian and Spanish Bond auctions directly affect the returns on your personal stock portfolio we really are interconnected global market. You see, I truly believe investors that will win the day going forward are those that really understand the “interconnectedness” of it all. No longer will you be able to safely navigate the financial markets without gaining a firm understanding of the macro forces currently shaping the global economy.

Our Trader User Group is the ONLY investment group that covers the dynamics of global macro economies while also zooming in on specific strategies to leverage a given situation. We cover not only equities and the major US Indices but also Metals (Gold, Silver and Copper), Energy (Oil, Natural Gas and RBOB Gasoline), Agriculture (Corn, Wheat and Soy Beans), Currencies (Dollar and Euro), Interest rates (30 Year Bonds and 10 Year Notes) and Softs (Orange Juice and Cotton primarily).

And by the way, we’re currently short Gasoline (for those that cannot trade Futures folks are using the ETF UGA) and playing Visa (V) to nice profits this month…I have also been discussing shorts in Gold, Oil, Silver and Orange Juice, all of which have moved nicely down…we also follow equities as well.

You see, the idea here is to gain a solid fundamental view of the global markets and the flow of money, where investments are coming from and where they are going. This gives all types of traders and investors an edge in the marketplace. Even if you are a conservative investor you need to know where to put your money, where to invest and how to leverage this knowledge for portfolio gains.
We cover all of this in our Trader User Group. From Risk Management, Charting and Trade Strategies we put it all together for you. Our next meeting is this coming Saturday as shown on our home page. We will start promptly at 9:30 AM and our meetings generally run about 3 hours.

If you are new to our Group then you can attend your first session for free. Check us out, talk with existing members and see if our Group is for you. If you decide to join us then see me at the end of the session or reach out to me via my email shown below and I will set you up. We have a few different membership options which have become extremely popular with our members depending upon your investment experience levels.

So, in summary, stop by our session next Saturday June 16th starting at 9:30 AM and check us out. We are one of the only investment groups in the Meetup site that has a growing number of very active paid members. There is a good reason for this and if you stop by and check us out you’ll see why. Also see what other members are saying about us.
And one final note; -I have mentioned this before but our User Group takes investing very seriously and if you are a current subscriber to this Meetup group site but have not attended any of our sessions and are not sure if you will attend, then please delete your name from this Meetup Group.


Trade Smart – Not Often

[address removed]

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