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What we’re about

Meet others interested in investing in equities, commodities or futures using all the tools at your disposal to successfully navigate the financial markets...Learn how to properly hedge or leverage your trades with Options and Futures as the investment vehicle. The primary theme of our meetings will focus on using both these tools to enhance our portfolio returns. We'll explore all types of trades, using both Long and Short positions. Even if you primarily trade equities (stocks) you need to understand and learn, what the professionals learn; -that is how to prevent or hedge your profits should the markets begin to move against this Trader Group you will learn just that! Learn Option position modeling techniques, adjustments and hedging strategies. Whether you are new to Option trading, a beginner, or a highly experienced trader, learn, explore and share ideas with other like minded traders....explore how you can get into the Futures markets using position sizing and risk management techniques... In order to be effective in the markets you must, let me repeat this, you must master these 3 primary components: 1. Risk Management 2. Charting 3. Strategies Our Trader User Group is driven primarily around these 3 components using a Learn-Practice-Do process...and although profits are never ever guaranteed, you will learn how to put more of the odds in your corner...and if you master these 3 components, then you will be on your way to achieving the "Skillful" trader status that most folks never obtain.... Go to this URL link for the most recent video market update: