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New Meetup: Club Picnic, Ocean Inlet Park, Boynton

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 8:32 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Palm Beach Pack & Paddle!

What: Club Picnic, Ocean Inlet Park, Boynton

When: Sunday, July 18,[masked]:00 AM

Boynton Inlet Park
6990 N. Ocean Boulevard
Ocean Ridge, FL 33435

These bi-monthly picnics are proving very popular with our members and friends, so another great
Picnic in the Park is planned for July. It?s a potluck brunch, so bring a dish to share and a friend to
introduce to the club. The charge is $5 per person, and the proceeds help support our Club activities.
We?ll have a pavilion right on the Intracoastal beach; bring a lawn chair. You can swim there, so wear
a swimsuit or something that you can get wet. It might be quite hot, despite the usual breezes. You
might want to just ?cool off? in the water. Or you can walk across A1A and go in the ocean, walk up on the bridge and watch the boats come through the inlet or bicycle along A1A.

The park is on the south side of the Boynton Inlet and west side of A1A. You?ll see our club banner.
Try to car pool and come early as parking is at a premium.
For more information, e-mail Dorothy Hernandez, [address removed], or call
her at[masked],
or Les and Jane Perkins,[masked]

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