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6 ways to a better photograph

From: Ian M.
Sent on: Monday, February 9, 2015, 9:52 AM
6 ways to a better photograph!

Don't be misled by all the snow, Spring is just around the corner and in just a couple of weeks you can get a head start on your photography by joining our annual, Spring Photo School. 

What is it?

It's a carefully crafted series of six workshops spread over a few months that will have you looking at photography in a new light. It will show you how to improve your skill level and feel much more confident about creating the image you had in mind when you pressed the shutter.  

Who is it for?

If you are regularly disappointed by your results and long to be able to create better images then you should not miss this series.  Over the last three years, this series and its sister series, the Fall Photo School, have helped many aspiring photographers to become more confident and competent in their photography.  Many have gone on to win awards and several have started their own successful photography careers. 
It's suitable for absolute beginners or anyone looking to move to the next level.

When does it happen? 

It's six workshops on three  Friday evenings and three  full Sunday's. 
It takes place indoors at the studio in Pembroke and at selected outdoor  locations. 

How do you sign up? 

Check out the details at: https://www.meetup...­

It costs less than a decent lens and will do far more to improve your photography. The whole series is just $575 and there are a limited number of spaces left in this series that is filling fast. 
Scholarships and payment plans may be available to help with the cost.  (Email Ian at [address removed]) 

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