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***PRICING--SPECIAL OFFER!!!***: Sept. 7, 2015---Australia

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, November 11, 2013, 8:45 PM

2015!!  2015!!  2015!!

Join Cindy and me for a 14-day adventure [with our departure from Chicago on Labor Day, only 10 vacation days (based on a M-F work schedule) need be used]! 

We have chosen GoAheadTours because the "Australia: The Great Barrier Reef to Sydney" nature & wildlife tour sounds amazing and because of everything GAT provides travelers!!!

The 2015 prices have not yet been released; however, we are guesstimating a 10% increase on the 2014 price of $5,954, for a total cost of $6,400 per person, double occupancy.  $450 per person deposit is required to reserve your spot and may be made anytime until June of 2015 - so long as there is space available.

***Pricing Special Offer***--A $450 per person deposit paid from 12/11/13-12/31/13 will LOCK in the 2014 price of $5,954!!! That’s a $595 discount!! Also, all optional excursions not already included in the basic trip will also be LOCKED in at the 2014 prices. Overall, this offer could save you up to $1,000 in savings!! IF YOU WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS HUGE SAVINGS, PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR DETAILS ABOUT AN INFO MEETING BEING HELD DEC. 11.

The price of $5,954 INCLUDES:

1. Round-trip airfare from Chicago;

2. 3- and 4-Diamond hotels;

3. Breakfast daily; 1 lunch; 2 dinners

4. Expert tour director;

5. Local guide in each City:

· Melbourne...........  3 nights

· Alice Springs.......  1 night

· Ayers Rock..........  1 night

· Cairns..................  3 nights

· Sydney................  3 nights

A Visa -- issued by Australia -- will be required for this trip, in addition to a passport that expires no sooner than April 1, 2016.  We will provide information about obtaining the Visa at a later date.