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Global Climate Change follow-up

From: David J.
Sent on: Friday, October 23, 2009, 7:27 AM

This is a follow-up to my previous posting and the Meet up on Sept. 20

This is also posted on the FAN message board.

We had 13 people show up to watch some of a video series called "How it all Ends". This is a You tube series. You can watch it all from home. I acquired the series on DVD and have set out to get copies of this into the hands of those that want to know this issue completely.

The series is a great exercise in Critical thinking. Many of the FAN community are interested in this topic, but it is not a main focus for the Meet up. There are a lot of interesting things for Freethinkers to ponder. This one is the big enchilada. This issue will become the biggest focus for the whole world soon. It would be not ahead of your time to embrace this issue and see it as symbolic of the general anti-intellectual anti-freethinking cultural climate that we are in. The opportunity for human intellectual evolution and psycho/social healing lies along side this issue that most of humanity lives in denial of.

The challenges inherent in knowing this issue at depth are the same issues that hold the individual hostage in their religious world views or other less enlighten addictions or beliefs.

Viewing this series has helped me connect the dots around my own beliefs and how science and reason can liberate us into more open points of view. As the discovery of this liberating confrontation with realities has empowered me, I believe you will find that listening to the inconvenient Truths will set you free also.

So I offer again the opportunity to view some of this with a group of people or for you to explore it at your own convenience. This Sunday, October 25 at Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento at 12:45. The address is 2425 Sierra Blvd. Between Howe and Fulton Ave. Or Contact me for another showing or a copy of the DVD that compiles the You tube series.

If there ever was an issue to be informed about, this is it.  global Climate Change makes everything else seem trivial. As the effects manifest and grow in intensity, many of the issues of legal civility will be set aside for more critical emergency situations. The loss of our rights will go unheard when the growing effects of natural laws are felt. I think it is important to have a broader context for the events of our times. Could Global Climate Change and depleting natural resources be precipitating events in our world today? Can you ask these tough questions? Can you handle the answers?

Will this information cause you to grow? Or Will you shrink from facing the effects caused by counter freethinking attitudes and beliefs? I know you are up to it.



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