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What to wear and what to bring.

From: Sandra B.
Sent on: Saturday, May 31, 2014, 6:45 PM

Hello crew!

My primary goal is for everyone to have a safe and fun ballooning experience!  So, safety first.

Wear sturdy shoes (NO sandals or flip flops) balloons are heavy and can crush toes.  Plus, we will be tramping through fields.

Bring work gloves.  There are ropes and cables that we handle.  If you don't have them I have a few extra.

Wear cotton.  Balloon burners are burners and nylon can melt and stick. (never heard of it happening but don't want to be the first)  And wear in the morning, then warms up and we'll be working.

Now the fun.  I will bring food for tail gate.  Water and the champagne.  If you want something else to drink, sure, bring it.  The same for any dietary needs or preferences.

SO, looking forward to getting into the air again!!  Reuniting and getting to know new crew!!


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