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What we’re about

The San Diego Virtual Reality Meetup (SDVR) is open to anyone interested in virtual reality and augmented reality.  Our mission is to connect and educate people in our community about VR/AR, to support local businesses and schools working with VR, and to raise local awareness about this technology.  The group meets monthly to discuss new developments and possibilities opened by VR, to build technical development skills, to learn from individuals and local companies, and to network and have fun.  We welcome anyone with any and all levels of knowledge and involvement in VR to join our group. 

Come join us whether you are a designer, developer, hacker, futurist, gamer, researcher, artist, entrepreneur, or investor. A suite of new low cost technology is causing a resurgence of interest in the field. Its impact on all facets of society could be significant. Let’s explore the emerging field together. Meetings will include short talks from leaders in the field, hands-on technology demos, and discussions about potential applications and social implications of VR.