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Last Minute Discount on NLP Training

From: Janis E.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 12:52 PM
Hello Hypnojunkies!

Most of you are already aware, but some of you may be wondering about our upcoming NLP Practitioner course that starts tomorrow in downtown San Francisco. In case you or someone you know is interested in getting certified, here are the details.

We have 2 seats available for this training, which is being held Nov 18-21 and Dec 2-5 (Thur-Sun). Class times are 9:30am to 6:30pm each day.

Certification is awarded through the Society of NLP upon successful completion of the training. All materials are included in your tuition, and ongoing support is available.

To register or get more information, please call me before 5pm today. Meetup members will be given a discount on tuition!

Janis Ericson, Director
Lightwork Seminars, Intl.

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