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Upcoming events schedule

From: Ignasi M.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 4, 2013, 9:21 PM
Hi all!

still with the Scala eXchange rush I ust wanted to send a few words on
what will be happening in the upcoming weeks!

First of all, we decided a tradition is meant to be respected so we
finally decided to spend the last meetup of the year with some beers
at Hotel Pulitzer. Some of you were there last year so it'll be great
to review what has happened and what your plans are for 2014.
During the Holidays we'll let you rest, you can read a scala book or
two (or three if you're really motivated) and we'll be meeting back on
January 16th !!!

So summing up:

 - December 17th --> scala beers
 - January 16th --> Talk on Reactive by Duarte Nunes

Hope to see you all very soon!

PS: In case you didn't know, there's a twitter hashtag for the group
(no twitter account). It is '#scalabcn' and I must say you _might_
want to read the latest tweets there:­

Ignasi Marimon-Clos

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