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Akka: show off

From: Ignasi M.
Sent on: Sunday, February 9, 2014, 10:49 AM
Hi all,

the talk on Akka for the end of the month might have to be dropped.
The person whom we talked to contacted us this week with bad news and
he might not be able to make it.

As you well know, Scala Developers Barcelona is organised around the
members of the meetup. That is, we try not to have a list of speakers
who are constantly presenting a topic or another, instead we encourage
anyone unregarding their expertise to step up and share their
experience/knowledge­/failures so that we can all learn and help.

This being said, do you feel like talking about your experience with
Akka? Do you know of someone who might?


If we don't get someone to talk about Akka by next Sunday the plan B
is to change the topic of the meetup and talk about testing tools.

Let's find s/one to share their experience in Akka!


PS: (off-topic)
You may already heard that scalatest is about to release v2.0 of the
framework. Bill Venners gave two great talks on #scalax
(https://skillsmatt...­ and
about the refactor his team put in place, the changes we should expect
and the reasons why some decisions where made.

Ignasi Marimon-Clos

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