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New Meetup: Come & join us at Tanglin56 for wine & finger food for $20nett, Tue Jan 31.

From: Charles
Sent on: Thursday, January 19, 2012, 2:52 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for The Singapore Wine Meetup Group!

What: Come & join us at Tanglin56 for wine & finger food for $20nett, Tue Jan 31.
When: Tuesday, January 31,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Hi Everyone, I am organizing a wine meet up at Tanglin 56 at Tanglin Road on the 31st Jan 2012 between 6pm to 9pm. The charge per person is $20 nett and you get to enjoy 2 glasses of wine and some finger food. So RSVP now to avoid disappointment........

Check it out!

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