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From: Maria H.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 3:45 PM September 2010

We're pleased to announce that has been granted tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status by the IRS! This is a huge step in the growth of the organization and opens many doors for us.  
Tax-exempt status provides us with several benefits. First, contributions to are now tax-deductible. Second, we are now able to seek funding and grants from various government, corporate, and private sources. It also provides us reduced costs on everything from mailings to event fees to professional services.
We're working hard to take advantage of the opportunity. You can support us by volunteering to help - at an event, or with any number of tasks we've identified that will help grow the organization. You can also make a tax-deductible contribution by clicking the Donate button below.
Thank you for your continued support!   
Kind Regards,
Maria  & Mark Haswell
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Event Volunteers Needed!
Please join us for our next Children's FairSpreadKindness event!
On Sept. 11th and 12th, we will be at Robert Livermore Community Center in Livermore for their annual Children's Fair. We'll be helping kids create Kindness Flags, and offering FREE Hugs.

We have a booth reserved, and will bring all of the art supplies to let kids create their own Kindness Flags. This is a new project we've started to allow people to draw pictures of what kindness means to them.

For more information and to volunteer, CLICK HERE!
Adopt-a-Soldier has "adopted" another US Soldier!

Through October 15th, we will be collecting donations to include in care packages to a group of adopted soldiers in Kuwait.

Here are the details:
Army SPC Courtney Holmes is 21 years old and is currently deployed in Kuwait until April 2011. Her hometown is Jackson, MS. She loves to sing, dance, and just be goofy. She says that it's really hard for her because it's her first deployment, and she's away from her family for the first time. She very much appreciates any support from home. Courtney has volunteered to coordinate the distribution of donated items to her fellow soldiers.

 For more information, CLICK HERE!
About is dedicated to encouraging individuals and groups to practice kindness in their everyday lives.

We provide tools, ideas, projects and events that promote kindness as a way of life, rather than just the occasional random act.
Our mission is to inspire, enlighten, and spread joy through the sincere kindness of our hearts and actions.
It all starts with you. You have the power to impact someone right now in a positive, kind way.
Share a smile. Be kind. Pass it on!
SK Swag! 
T-shirts FOR SALE: We have T-shirts available for sale at $20 each. All proceeds help support the activities of the organization.
We have T-shirts for men and women in various sizes and colors. They are really nice!!
To purchase, click here.
And We Quote:

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.

 --Joseph Addison
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