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TownMe GeoAPI

From: user 8.
Sent on: Monday, October 19, 2009, 11:07 AM
Hi Folks,

Looking forward to this Wednesday's meetup.?

At the Feb GeoDjango meetup, a number of people had asked us if we could open up some of the geo infrastructure we were building to outside developers, so we launched a GeoAPI middle of last week.?Gist of it is that it makes it easier for developers to write location focused apps (e.g. location annotation apps, foursquare/brightkite/gowalla-style location broadcast apps, business listing or POI focused apps, etc.).

You can check it out here:?

Demos doing location check-ins, twitter neighborhood annotations and a few neat tricks here (these took a few hours each to write with the new API):?

If people are interested, we could give a 10-minute overview during an upcoming meetup.?In the mean time, please let us know what you think!


Othman Laraki | cell:[masked] | [address removed] ?