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Personal Invitation - Grand Opening September 27

From: Seaton
Sent on: Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 4:57 PM


As you may already know, SURF Incubator has been sponsoring this Meetup Group for four years by providing great spaces for holding our Meetups. Thanks to, SURF is now expanding to the 4th floor in the Exchange Building.

As a member of this Meetup group, SURF is offering you a 30 percent discount.

Next Friday, SURF will be celebrating the Grand Opening of the Dice Cabana, their new event space! The theme for the red carpet affair is the “Roaring Twenties” and will include appetizers, drinks, music, special guests, casino games and as you can imagine hundreds of entrepreneurs. We’ll also be joined by John Cook (co-founder GeekWire), Michael Schutzler (CEO of the Washington Technology Industry Association), Peter Hamilton (CEO of HasOffers) and Bob Crimmins (Founder of MoonTango).

Please visit: and use the promo code “SeattleiPhoneDevs” to get your 30 percent discount on tickets. Hopefully, you can join us for this memorable night! Best Wishes,


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