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Last chance for discount to EMPIRE: TERROR ON THE HIGH SEAS

From: Niall
Sent on: Saturday, September 14, 2013, 11:34 PM

Hi All,

We have until 3pm Monday Sept 16 to RSVP and pay the discount $32 price for the play, EMPIRE: TERROR ON THE HIGH SEAS at the Bondi  Pavilion which is on next Saturday night, Sept 21.

Please make your booking ASAP.

(Also, we were only supposed to get the discount if we had more than 10 people, and so far we only have 2, so they are being very generous in extending the deadline until Monday at 3pm).

So please be quick to RSVP and pay for this show.

After Monday, the price will revert to the full price of $40, and you will have to buy your ticket directly through the theatre, which means we may not be sitting together.

RSVP first here, and then the payment link will appear.


Kind regards,

Niall Tangney

Assistant Organiser - Theatre Time Sydney


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