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MAJOR ALERT! part two - Abortion Clinics Could Close

Photo of Jim G Helton
Hosted By
Jim G H.


We will meet at Planned Parenthood in Cincinnati around 7:30am if you would like to carpool. (Check this Meetup for updates). 2314 Auburn Ave Cincinnati OH.

This event is to pressure Ohio Governor Kasich to use his line-item veto power to remove the two anti-abortion amendments in the Ohio Budget that was passed by the Ohio Senate (and by the time you are reading this has likely passed the House as well.) We will rally and educate both the state government as well as Ohio voters on why these amendments are bad for Ohio.

Both anti-abortion amendments passed in the Senate version of the budget. This includes the amendment that allows Ohio Department of Health (ODH) to ignore a variance request. If this budget is signed into law, all of southwest Ohio could be without an abortion provider.

As part of the 2013 budget, abortion providers are required to have a transfer agreement with a hospital. This is a medically unnecessary provision, it is purely political. Abortion providers cannot have agreements with state hospitals and many private hospitals are Catholic. For providers that are unable to obtain a transfer agreement, they can apply to the ODH for a variance. The Senate version of the budget states that if ODH does not respond to a variance request within 60 days it is automatically declined.

Photo of Tri-State Freethinkers group
Tri-State Freethinkers
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1 Capital sq · Columbus, OH