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Index to Online Books (was: Re: Christmas present to the troops ? bring them home | Lee Wrights for President 2012)

From: bobby
Sent on: Saturday, December 25, 2010, 7:43 PM
A few weeks ago, I suggested that we needed a reference list of
freedom books available on the web.

While reading Wright"s piece, I noticed a reference to his website and
there a reference to the Liberty Funds, Online Library.  It looks like
the list we need:


They also offer a free DVD with over 1000 books of liberty on it.  I
have requested it and will review it.

I also noticed a reference to another list:


They are smaller, but cannot be all bad since they have the
Anti-Federalist Papers:


And what they think are the 17 steps to freedom:


Also referred to was:


They have a lot of old material but not much freedom oriented - they
have 4 Hayek:

The Liberty Fund library may be the golden hit for us.


Toward freedom,

Bobby Yates Emory

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