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RE: [atheists-69] Please read! Great chance to make a difference and have some fun!

From: julie m.
Sent on: Friday, January 30, 2015, 11:31 AM

Great idea!  So, we go to Delectables on February 19th?  What time should we show up if we want a poker lesson?


From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Nancy
Sent: Friday, January 30,[masked]:23 AM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [atheists-69] Please read! Great chance to make a difference and have some fun!


Hi, All!

You know how we often talk about how we can make a positive impact in our community? Do service work, or fund raise for a charity, or volunteer for a good cause? Well, I found us a great opportunity to do so!

There is a group called Tucson Poker News, and in addition to loving to host poker tournaments, they really want to do some good in the community. They host poker tournaments at a few local restaurants. A percentage of everything that is purchased by the participants that night goes to the chosen charity – donated by the restaurant. It is free to enter, and the prizes are donated so that all the money raised goes to the charity.
So, the model is that anyone can come, play, have fun, and if they buy food or drinks, the restaurant gets business, and they donate some of their profits to the charity, and everyone wins! Okay, that was a total run-on sentence, but hopefully you get the point.

The host of these events contacted me via Meetup, and many other organizers in town, to try to drum up support. I don’t even know how many people even responded to him, but I showed up last night at an event, and it was a blast. There were people from every age, walk of life, and skill level. I think this could be great for us.

You know what I would LOVE? I would absolutely love it if we brought so many people to these events that people were forced to say, “Wow, who ARE those people who came to support this awesome charity event?!?” and the answer would be… “THE TUCSON ATHEISTS!”

I’d like to start by having a Caffeinated Godlessness on the Go, on February 19th. If we like it, there are other options, but Thursdays it is at Delectables on 4th Ave, and they are so good about community support, so I’d like to give back. We don’t have to do anything but show up, hang out, play some cards if we want to, and buy some food or drink if we want to.

They would like to change charities every six months, but the one benefiting right now is Mini-Miracles, a local non-profit that uses animal interaction to empower at-risk youth and children with disabilities. I rather jokingly made the comment to the organizer last night that many people do service work and charity fund raising through their churches, but we, as atheists, don’t have that option, and he said, “You can have us instead!” and hugged me. Aww…

So, YOU DON’T PLAY POKER, huh? Yeah, me neither! You can either go an hour early, and they will teach you for free, or you can just go a hang out and have some good food and drink, and watch your friends play!

I will amend the calendar and event posting for CG for that night, but I wanted to give a little more information first. Please email me any time with questions. This seems like a great, and fairly pain free way to do some good, and get more visible in the community, too!

Secularly yours,

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