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Email List information

From: Nic W.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 10:56 PM

Hello Denver and Beyond Vegan Meetup Members,

I am assisting on this group to help with some of the admin dutues.

I am hearing that some of you aren't sure how to adjust your status on the email list.

I can help you with this by removing you from the list.  When you are removed from the email list, you will still receive event notices, email from the organizers and some other coorospondance.  If you would like to be removed  from the main email list, let me know in a personal emil and I'll take care of it.  Once you are removed from the email list, you will not be able to send email to other members, but you can still use the message boards.

If you would prefer to adjust all of your email corrospondance yourself, click the "members" button that is located next to the "home" button on the left side of our page under our group name, click "my profile" and when the page comes up, click "Email settings", which is located below your name.  After you check or uncheck the email setting options boxes that you desire to change, click the red "submit" button on the bottom of the page.

Let me know if you have any questions by sending a personal email.

Thank you and Happy New Year,


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