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Re: [DenverAndBeyondVeganMeetup] New Vegan Grocery Store

From: John Taylor Y.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 19, 2012, 11:20 AM

And as to comparing it to rape, Kevin, it is called Analogy, often used to demonstrate a point.

I walk the talk and work towards change for the better.  If you find the status quo acceptable, that is your prerogative but... Lead, follow, or get out of the way.  When someone has to work for an hour to get food that costs pennies to make, change is in order.  When the ripoffs come from those who claim to be one with/of us, we SHOULD be talking about it.

On Jun 19,[masked]:44 AM, "John Taylor Yezeguielian" <[address removed]> wrote:

no just gougng being evil

On Jun 19,[masked]:58 AM, "John Taylor Yezeguielian" <[address removed]> wrote:
Okay, not trying to be argumentative, but... when they have to pay overhead (day & night, there or not) and utilities, insurance, business licenses, etc. as a brick & mortar store, do you think they will still be the same price?

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 9:41 AM, monica manley <[address removed]> wrote:

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