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Charity Efforts

From: Tim A.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 9:43 PM

As Rochester's chapter of the 9/12 Project, we understand that we have not only rights, but we also have numerous responsibilities. One of these is to lend care to our fellow man because we need to do more if we want the government to do less.

Since we've started to meet twice a month, we organized three committees:
1. Education
2. Community Service (charity)
3. Community Engagement (civic issues)

Tim Dean leads the Education Cmte, Tim Altier leads the Community Engagement Cmte, and we need someone to lead the Community Service Cmte. This position consists of gathering ideas for community service projects that we can do as a group and helping to organize them.

The most effective way to get this committee rolling quickly is to find out which programs and events that our members are involved in already and lend a hand to those efforts in greater numbers. Wouldn't it be great to have 10 extra people volunteering by your side? Please reply to this email with ideas, and if you want to learn more about leading this committee, let me know ASAP.

Tim Altier

Examples of charity ideas: Food drive at Sam's Club, Habitat for Humanity, mentoring through Compeer, tutoring at a city school