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New Meetup: Drum, Dance, Sing: An Afternoon of fun and relaxation

From: Nat
Sent on: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 12:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The London Acoustic And World Music Meetup!

What: Drum, Dance, Sing: An Afternoon of fun and relaxation

When: March 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: We are meeting again for a fun drumming session, the great thing with is that it is never the same. There is no need to bring any drum, we have plenty, various type of drums. After the session we are going for a drink to a nearby pub, please join us.

We have some great photos from the last drum circle, if you were there you would be in the photos,
they are only on facebook[masked]&ref=ts

If you have any questions please let me know. If you play any other instrument please bring it along, you can jam with the drummers, wind instruments, string instruments, any instrument. If you are a dancer please come along and dance. If you just want to come and watch, please come, you can join us for a drink after.

I would like to invite all London Acoustic And World Music Meetup members as my guests for the first session.

Learn more here:

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