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From: Risa P.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 10:53 AM

At the last Agile meeting I introduced myself as someone looking for work.  Jared suggested that I introduce myself via the email list for the group.  I am an NC State Computer Science Alumni who has returned to the Raleigh area to care for elderly parent.  I have been taking and continue to participate in technology classes at Nash Community College. I have earned a Network Technology Certificate.  I am eager to restart my career and am seeking an entry level position where I can learn new technologies.  Because I have experience in all phases of the software development life cycle including writing requirements, functional and design documentation, and customer documentation, I could contribute to a software development team.  My excellent communication skills enable me to collaborate across departments and with clients in order to understand and resolve defects, and realize company goals.  I would love to talk with you about advice and support for landing interesting and challenging employment.  [address removed]

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