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Leafleting UCLA and USC

From: user 6.
Sent on: Sunday, January 13, 2008, 7:26 AM
Hi everyone,
My name is Stewart.  I recently met Armaiti, and she invited me to join the group.  I am married with 3 kids and 3 dogs; I teach high school and I also pass out thousands of Vegan Outreach Leaflets, typically at colleges and concerts.  I want to let you know that I'll be leafleting in the West LA area this Monday, tomorrow, at UCLA in the morning-7:30 until 11 am or so, and then due east on the 10 freeway to USC in the afternoon.  At UCLA I'll be out in front of Pauli Pavilion and at USC I'll be in Haun Plaza, right next to the statue of Tommy Trojan. If you are interested and available feel free to join me.  You can e-mail me in advance or just come.  If you are trying to track me down tomorrow, my cell phone is[masked].
Typically I'd be working on such a Monday, but my school district elected to be different and is giving us the 14th and 15th off for MLK's birthday rather than the 21st which is the official holiday.  (The 15th is his actual birthday.)   So on Tues. I'll be leafleting UC Irvine and UC Riverside.
Looking forward to meeting you guys,
Stewart Solomon

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