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Urge Environmental Defense to Stop Pushing for Animal Testing!

From: Christopher L.
Sent on: Thursday, August 9, 2007, 3:58 PM
Please check out this important information about Environmental
Defense (ED) and its promotion of animal testing yet again. In
this modern era - when there are so many modern, high-tech
methods that don't involve animal suffering - there is simply no
excuse for continuing to poison animals in unpredictive and
useless tests. 

ED's proposed laundry list of animal tests for the new field of
nanotechnology should be replaced with a forward-looking plan
based on non-animal methods so that human-relevant tests are in
place to predict human health effects. 

Please click the link below to send a quick note to ED to urge
the organization to focus on 21st century science instead of
clinging to the Dark Ages of animal experimentation.


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