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Update on City of the Angels

From: Rebekah
Sent on: Friday, May 29, 2009, 7:47 PM
Dear Animal Angels and United Animal Advocates of LA,

In speaking with my friend who runs LA Rabbits Foundation, she gave me some good feedback on my idea that I'd like to share.

She thought I should not try to rate the different rescue groups for fear of a group who received a poor rating getting upset.

She thought that it might be difficult getting people to update status on rescued animals.

What she thought would be a good idea is another I had, to focus it on one thing that across the board all groups need help with, which is to provide a tool that helps to coordinate resources so that more could be achieved.

In other words, people could choose on their profile what they have and could share: a truck or car for transport, carriers, space in their home for storage, ability to foster a particular animal, they are traveling and could take an animal along, etc. A dog lover in a particular group willing to transport may be able to transport a cat or a rabbit also but they just don't know of the need in another group.

And I still think a centralized calendar would be nice.

Thanks for thinking about this, and providing your feedback and advice.



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