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New Meetup: Animal Rights Conference!!!

From: veganvet
Sent on: Tuesday, June 16, 2009, 11:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for United Animal Advocates of LA!

What: Animal Rights Conference!!!

When: July 18,[masked]:00 AM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Dear UAALA members,

If there's only one animal rights event you make it to the entire year, it's gotta be the national animal rights conference, hosted by FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement - which greets us right here in LA this summer, July 16-20th, 2009. Please check out to see photos from AR2008 and for details on AR2009. Every other year the conference comes to LA (in even-numbered years it's held in Washington, DC), so after this summer the next LA AR conference probably won't be until 2011. I have attended 5 of these conferences so far, and will be speaking at AR2009 as well. These conferences are a wonderful chance to network as well as exchange ideas about animal advocacy projects in an atmosphere that is tolerant of diverse views. You will have a chance to meet hundreds of other dedicated activists and vegans, including some newcomers to the movement as well as veteran activists. There are all sorts of informational workshops, inspiring speeches, documentaries, and lots to do and learn. And of course, all the food is vegan - isn't that nice?! You can opt to attend just for one day or the whole time, as you please. Many different issues affecting animals are dealt with at these conferences, not just rescue or farmed animal issues. There is a registration fee if you want to attend the sessions, but if you or a friend of yours just want to check out the exhibits for a day, there is no charge.

Hope to see you there!

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