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New Meetup: Dinner at Greens Cafe

From: Dave S.
Sent on: Sunday, December 6, 2009, 9:43 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Orange County Vegan Drinks!

What: Dinner at Greens Cafe

When: December 19,[masked]:30 PM

The Greens Cafe
15435 Jeffrey Rd
Irvine, CA 92618

Greens Cafe, a vegan restaurant owned and managed by the ever-cheerful Lawrence Liang, will host our group for a special, buffet-style vegan dinner. Greens Cafe does not sell alcohol but can provide low-alcohol vegan wine and beer. If you're interested in trying a low-alcohol beverage, please mention that in the comments section when you RSVP.

Space is limited in Greens Cafe so please RSVP early to reserve your spot and, if your plans change, please change your RSVP so that someone else can take your spot.

See you there!

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