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What we’re about

Meet up with others to enjoy the arts and culture of London.

We visit galleries, concerts, museums, theatre, (fringe and mainstream) live music gigs and places of historical interest. Our members are interested in various forms of culture, including history, photography, painting, drawing, architecture, film, theatre, live music and dance.

Enjoy walks, talks, meals, etc. with interesting company. Discover unusual London venues, and areas that are off the beaten tourist track.

Try out new activities/events/restaurants, widen your circle of friends, and enjoy what this great city has to offer!

Come along on your own, or with a partner or friend. Suggestions for new events are always welcome.

If you have time to spare during the day, why not join our sister group - Carpe Diem - daytime in London? Members can enjoy visiting places at quieter times!

We look forward to meeting you.