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Zionist Pink washing and orthodox Jews.

From: Gary H
Sent on: Friday, July 31, 2015, 5:02 AM
Zionist Pink washing and orthodox Jews. 
This is what happens when a country pretends to be a culturally liberal democracy while also politically by law an ethno-centric, a Jewish state. And that's okay with liberal Jews, but imagine if (and they do!) Christians declared the USA a "Christian Nation. Why is that not okay with Zionist liberals but being Jewish Nation is? To be a  religious identified nation and a liberal democracy is an oxymoron. 

 -- Gary 

Right-wing Israeli fanatic stabs six at gay rights parade
By Bill Van Auken
31 July 2015 

A right-wing Orthodox Jewish zealot carried out an attack Thursday against a gay pride march in occupied East Jerusalem, stabbing at least six marchers. Two of them—a 17-year-old girl and a female border guard—were reported in critical condition.

The assailant was identified as Yishai Schlissel, who only three weeks earlier had been released on parole after serving nearly 10 years in prison for carrying out a nearly identical attack that left three participants in the 2005 gay pride march with stab wounds.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat acknowledged Thursday that “something went wrong” in the failure of police to monitor Schlissel, who while in prison had repeatedly used ultra-Orthodox social media to promote attacks on gays and describe his knifing spree as a “mission from God.” ... 


-- -- -- 

posted by Gary in the Valley.

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