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Re: [volunteerism-159] Project selection and discussion

From: David
Sent on: Monday, March 3, 2008, 3:09 PM
Actually they are open, in fact there is a group in there until 2.  If that day does not work for others, the we will not use it.  To be honest, being Jewish, the thought never crossed my mind.  We can use another day if that works best for all.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Joanne <[address removed]> wrote:

The 23rd is Easter, so the library won't be open.

BTW, did anyone find a pair of black sunglasses after the orientation? I've lost my favorite pair.



-----Original Message-----
From: David
Sent: Mar 3,[masked]:47 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [volunteerism-159] Project selection and discussion

I was wondering how many in the group would have interest on meeting on the 23rd. I can get a room at the Sandy Springs Library from 2 until 4, and by then I will have more information from Hands on Atlanta about projects. This can be social, and to discuss what kinds of projects we are going to do. After that meeting I would like to get a small handful of projects on the calendar, and really get us moving.

We can bring food, however when we leave there must be no sign that we did. Library rules. I tried to pick a more central library, but with short notice for meeting rooms sometimes you take what you can get. It is however very convenient to both 285 and 400.

I was going to pick a park, but we are still in the season where weather is too hit or miss.

This will give us a chance to bond as more of a team. Heck if you want, bring food, cards, board games, etc. and lets have fun in the process. Does this sound good?


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