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Re: [baltimorephp] PHP calling unzip

From: Kevin S.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 3:48 PM
I'm guessing that its the ~/ that's the problem.  Apache is likely running as a different user than your shell and "~" means the current user's home directory.

From: Joe Tseng <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20,[masked]:40 PM
Subject: [baltimorephp] PHP calling unzip


Boss asked me to figure this out and now we're both stumped.  I wrote a little test script to see if we can use PHP to unzip a file:

$ more ziptest.php
echo("Start here");
exec("unzip ~/", $aOutput);

echo("end here");

It works great at the command line - it extracts the file and gives me stdout:

$ php -f ziptest.php
Start here[Archive:  /home/user/]end here

But it's not doing squat via Apache:

Start here[]end here

And no we're not using the zip module.  Our SAMP stack has to be built by hand from source code and I don't have the time right now to do that to add this functionality to PHP.  I've also verified that the directory the script lives in has rw perms for the Apache daemon user.

Can I assume I'm really close and it's some tiny detail I'm overlooking?

Thx in advance,

 - Joe

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