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SHARE San Jose - this Wednesday at 7:30pm - Orchard Valley Coffee in Campbell

From: Tim T.
Sent on: Monday, September 15, 2008, 7:51 PM
This week SHARE San Jose is having an informal coffee-shop meeting (as
opposed to a jam session) at Orchard Valley Coffee in Campbell - it's in
downtown Campbell (349 E. Campbell Avenue, on the corner).  Wednesday, Sept
17, 7:30pm.

Peter Nyboer will be coming to give us a demo of his open-source Livid
Looper (a very feature-rich application), and we'll play with and talk about
whatever else people bring to play with and talk about (e.g. I'll bring my
Kaossilator).  Feel free to bring a laptop and show what kind of things
you're doing or what interesting things you've seen lately. 


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