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Big Island Hawaii 1 month away and still time to join us!!!!

From: Steve
Sent on: Thursday, November 8, 2012, 2:48 PM

Hey Everyone,

We can still fit a few more on both of our All Inclusive Big Island Hawaii trips: December 10th and December 17th dates with our friends at PhotoFly Travel Club. All solo travelers signed up thus far so perfect for making new friends and travel buddies.

If you've been mulling over this amazing trip now is the time to let us know. E-mail me at [address removed] so I can send over the daily itinerary and details.

More info here:

We stay in an awesome luxury home with with sweeping views of the island. Our very own chef cooks all our meals and unlimited alcoholic/non alcoholic beverages every day. The trip is a real adventure with all the highlights of the Big Island and a lot of off the path experiences only the locals know about!

Look forward to hearing from you.



Travel Club Organizer
