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April Walk Around Tasting in Downtown SF

From: tom m.
Sent on: Monday, April 7, 2008, 12:39 PM
Announcing a new event for the San Francisco Wine Enthusiasts Guild!

What: April Walk Around Tasting in Downtown SF

When: Wednesday, April 30, 6:00 PM

Event fee: USD15.00 per person in advance

Where: Art People Gallery, Financial District

Who should come: We have designed this tasting for those who want to explore boutique wines that they would not ordinarily have a chance to taste.

Why: We're bringing the outlying tasting rooms to the City. No need to drive to wine country to taste and buy hard to find wines. Now you can taste & order (at a Guild member discount with free shipping) or not while schmoozing among the art.

Meeting Description: Each month SAN FRANCISCO WINE ENTHUSIASTS GUILD showcases an array of current releases from a carefully selected group of artisan wineries representing different California appellations.

We will announce the wines being sampled later in the month.

This is a walkaround tasting, so drop in anytime up to 7:00 p.m. Those driving can find plenty of parking on the adjacent streets as the towaway goes off at 5:45 p.m.

Learn more here: