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1/2 price offer ending on Wed. for Jan. 21st Cabfest & hike

From: tom m.
Sent on: Sunday, January 1, 2012, 8:45 PM


Dear Wineaux, I wanted to alert you that our discount deal is going kaput in a few days.  Knowing that some members were away over the holidays I extended the deadline for advance payment a few more days to January 4th. Then we must go with the full prices of $69/$89.  The costs of renting such a dramatic space plus stemware, tables and tablecloths; the catering and other out of pocket costs require that I set the fee at a higher rate than usual.  Plus this is a fund raiser for One Brick that assists charities with their temporary manpower needs (very good odds, given the limit on the number of tix to be sold, for winning a bottle of top Cab in their raffle).   So on Jan. 21st come over to The Winery-SF on Treasure Island and learn about the terroir of Cabernet in vintner sessions(noon), pit your palate against the wine pros in the 'Consumers Choice' smackdown(1:30 pm), then taste more wines (2:30-4:30 pm), including non Cabs, in our walk around that includes over 20 wineries.  All without the crowd crush of the mega tastings at Ft. Mason and elsewhere.  We're also raffling off some killer cabs for One Brick produced by the wineries that participated in the early Cabernet Shootout.   Tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking on the the WePAY graphic (widget) at the bottom of the listing page:   I wish you all a tranquil new year full of insight and sensuous pleasures.   TOM Chief Epicurean Outfitter Co-organizer