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Mucho rain, The Beagle Pack Event is postponed till next Sunday!

From: Vany
Sent on: Sunday, July 29, 2007, 1:33 PM
HI Guys, I have been sitting here watching to see whether the weather is going to cooperate and it is currently raining cats and dogs sad so I have decided to postpone the event until next week. I will still stop by the park with sparks today in case any of you miss this e-mail, but I think it is prudent to postpone till next week because of the rain. As such, please look for the e-mail editing the event (sorry, it cannot all be done in one e-mail) and stop by the site and rsvp YES and/or change your rsvp. Hopefully, we will even get a larger number of people next Sunday. Have a great weekend everyone and Sparks and I hope to see you all next week.

Oh and pray for no rain next week.....biggrin

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