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Geeks R We :-) >> Star Trek Group Viewing > Fri, 18 May 2013, 5pm meet > 42nd Street Regal

From: Paul
Sent on: Wednesday, May 8, 2013, 11:07 PM
I admit to being a certain flavor of geek. 
Some of my best friends are geeks too.  
And you can be too, by joining us for a viewing of the newest Star Trek movie,
...opening in NYC & major cities in just a week. 


Get your tickets to this show NOW,  
we'll find a place to meet before and make it an evening. 


Click the link below to take you directly to the 42nd St theater & show time:
... in RPX (Regal Premium Experience) and Real 3D   The RPX is great, the screen is 60ft wide and the sound system is great.

Regal E-Walk Stadium 13 & RPX

247 W. 42nd St.
New YorkNY 10036


Keep your eye out for the location of our meeting place. 

Here's the suggested time line:

5:00pm - Meetup in advance for a drink.  Location: Times Square +/- 3 blocks, tbd
6:00pm - Get on queue for the movie, all together
7:10pm - Let the trek begin again! 


TXT Paul @  [masked] with questions as you might have them :-) 

Yes, that's Paul from BiRequest

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